Does my child need to be potty trained?


A child entering the Threes class at the beginning of September should be sufficiently toilet-trained to spend three hours in class without having “accidents” and should be cooperative when asked to use the restroom at periodic intervals. Three year old classrooms are not equipped to handle children still in diapers or pull-ups. If your child requests your help with hygiene, we encourage you to teach them proper techniques, as they should handle these tasks independently while at school. All children in the Threes, Fours, and Kindergarten classes must be fully and independently toilet-trained at the beginning of the school year to attend class. Each child should be wearing underwear, not Pull-Ups or diapers, at school.

For the purpose of clarification, our definition of fully toilet-trained is:
1. The child recognizes when he/she needs to go to the restroom.
2. The child verbally informs an adult of the need to go to the restroom.
3. The child enters the restroom on his/her own.
4. The child manipulates his/her clothing off and on with little or no assistance.
5. The child sits or stands at the commode and handles own cleaning (wiping) needs.
6. The child washes his/her hands and rejoins the class.

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